Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce recently issued the following announcement.
VYP BigWig Lunch Time: Dr. Keith E. Whitfield
Thursday, February 17, 2022 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PST
Vegas Chamber
575 Symphony Park Ave Ste 100
Las Vegas, NV 89106
Please join us for a Bigwig Lunch Time featuring Dr. Keith E. Whitfield, UNLV President & Vegas Chamber Board Trustee
Dr. Keith E. Whitfield is the 11th President of the University of Nevada Las Vegas. He is the immediate former Provost and Sr. Vice President of Academic Affairs and a Professor of Psychology at Wayne State University. He received a B.A. in Psychology from the College of Santa Fe and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Life span Developmental Psychology from Texas Tech University and did post-doctoral work in quantitative genetics at the University of Colorado-Boulder.
Dr. Whitfield is a champion of student and faculty success, innovation and entrepreneurship, and interdisciplinary research. His broad higher education experience includes developing programs and institutional policies that promote social and economic equity and financial sustainability. He has also devoted a considerable time to faculty development, particularly junior scholars.
Dr. Whitfield remains an active scholar. His research examines the etiology of individual variation in health and individual differences in cognition due to health conditions. Dr. Whitfield works with researchers from Sweden, Russia, Finland, and the United States. He has been a continuously funded researcher for more than 20 years through NIA, NIH, and NSF with projects totaling more than $18 million and has authored or co-authored over 200 journal articles, books and book chapters. His current research project focuses on the relationship between stress and longevity in African American families living in North Carolina.
Event Item Name Expires Pricing
VYP+ Member Registration | Feb 15, 2022 | $20.00 |
VYP Member Registration | Feb 15, 2022 | $25.00 |
Original source can be found here.