Recent News About Cal-Nev-Ari
7.7% of citizens unemployed in Clark County in 2021
The unemployment rate in Clark County hit 7.7% among residents aged 16 and 65 years old in 2021.
April: How many inmates were incarcerated in Clark County?
There were 2,769 inmates in Clark County in April, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
How did Clark County rank in the state by highest number of inmates incarcerated in March?
There were 5,585 inmates incarcerated in Clark County in March, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
Clark County: 2,796 inmates were incarcerated in March
There were 2,796 inmates in Clark County in March, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
Census Bureau: 76.8% of people in Clark County were old enough to vote in 2021
Of the 2,231,147 citizens living in Clark County in 2021, 76.8% were old enough to vote, equating to 1,713,530 individuals, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained on Oct. 26.
February: Clark County had the highest number of inmates incarcerated
There were 5,472 inmates incarcerated in Clark County in February, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
2,737 inmates were incarcerated in Clark County in February
There were 2,737 inmates in Clark County in February, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
How many inmates were incarcerated in Clark County during January?
There were 2,754 inmates in Clark County in January, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
Clark County had the highest number of inmates incarcerated in January
There were 5,340 inmates incarcerated in Clark County in January, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
38 is median age of Clark County residents by 2021
Clark County residents have a median age of 38-years-old as of 2021, according to US Census Data.
Clark County: 2,737 inmates were incarcerated in October 2023
There were 2,737 inmates in Clark County in October 2023, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
Clark County: 2,737 inmates were incarcerated in Q3 2023
There were 2,737 inmates in Clark County in the third quarter of 2023, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
Clark County is home to 3,739 Non-Hispanic White inmates in Q3
Non-Hispanic White is the most common ethnicity among inmates in Clark County, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
How many Hispanic or Latino inmates were incarcerated in Clark County in Q3?
Non-Hispanic White is the most common ethnicity among inmates in Clark County, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
Q3: Clark County is home to 1 Cuban inmate
Non-Hispanic White is the most common ethnicity among inmates in Clark County, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
45 inmates in Clark County are Caucasian in Q3
Non-Hispanic White is the most common ethnicity among inmates in Clark County, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
Clark County is home to 40 Black inmates in Q3
Non-Hispanic White is the most common ethnicity among inmates in Clark County, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
How many Asian inmates were incarcerated in Clark County in Q3?
Non-Hispanic White is the most common ethnicity among inmates in Clark County, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
Clark County had the highest number of inmates incarcerated in Q3 2023
There were 5,301 inmates incarcerated in Clark County in the third quarter of 2023, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
How did Clark County rank in the state by highest number of inmates incarcerated in October?
There were 5,300 inmates incarcerated in Clark County in October, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.